2015-05-10 at

Should 18 Year-olds be Trusted to Plan a Life?

TBH, I specifically picked a lib arts degree (2001-2005) because I wanted four years to "figure out what to do," it was a funded gig, so I treated it as a first (and very cushy) job. I spent the first year in the basement of the arts building with an electric guitar, and the second year interviewing professors about why they did what they did. By the end of the second year, it was quite clear that we all had different interests, and I considered just dropping out and joining the workforce - but this was a good "gig," so I finished up the final two years and took the paper.
My plan when I went to college was to stay away from Malaysia until the end of college for cultural anthropological reasons (I wanted to study Americans in immersion), before returning to Malaysia to plan next steps from the same environment where I had decided to go to college  (to minimise bias, in decision making). During my final two years of school, I decided to seek work in Malaysia, because I felt that I did not under stand Malaysia's political and economic environment. So I came back and ended up spending a coupla years in a government think tank, in a consulting firm, and in a bank. I had also intentionally avoided all commercial studies during college, because I had in mind that the best place to study commerce would be in the workforce.
The entire period of study from 2001 to 2007 was very satisfying. Then I decided that life was too easy, and that I should learn about small companies. I also wanted to pursue graduate studies without scholarship or payments, so I used the startup/new ventures environment for this in 2007-2012. It was pretty messy, but it only got messier after that, because I'm dedicating 2013-2022 to the game of making money (even though I find it often, incredibly boring compared to reading math). After talking to many people who are "looking to leave their corporate jobs to work in startups," I feel that over 15 years, I've kinda gone the other way, from being more academic to being more corporate. :)
Life is fun. It gets made up along the way.

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